Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rush analyzes Obama's press conference

I personally thought this was an interesting statement:
If your family [is] trying to cut back, you might skip going out to dinner, y-you might put off a vacation, but you wouldn't want to sacrifice saving for your kids' college education or making key repairs in your house. So you cut back on what who can't afford to focus on what who can't do without, and that's what we've done with this year's budget.

Because of course Obama and his family have had quite a few vacations in the last two years. Supporters of Obama always say - "Bush had plenty of vacation days, too." and maybe he did, I won't argue the point. But Obama is supposed to be better than Bush, isn't he? [I'm talking to Obama's supporters here, let me point out!] Obama is supposed to be able to feel our pain, be fiscally responsible, ya da ya da. And yet he has no problems taking all these vacations - and not in vacation spots that need money like Florida, but in wealthy vacation spots such as Martha's Vineyard which needs no help at all.

Bush was then, Obama is now, and times have changed. Should the President be taking all these vacations with the country in the state it is in right now? Should he not instead be putting all the money he's spending into his kid's college education funds?
Here's excerpts from Rush's program:
OBAMA: Just like every family in America, the federal government has to do two things at once: It has to live within its means while still investing in the future. If your family [is] trying to cut back, you might skip going out to dinner, y-you might put off a vacation, but you wouldn't want to sacrifice saving for your kids' college education or making key repairs in your house. So you cut back on what who can't afford to focus on what who can't do without, and that's what we've done with this year's budget.

RUSH: I don't know whether to laugh or cry. He's got the single largest deficit in the history of the country, and he's trying to tell us that we really cut back here -- yeah, with scalpel. He has $1.6 trillion, $1.5 trillion deficit and $3.7 trillion spending. There's no cutting back. There's no living within our means. This is insulting. It's childish, immature, and it is insulting. Here's the next little sound bite.

OBAMA: I recognize that there are gonna be plenty of arguments in the months to come and everybody's gonna have to give a little bit.

RUSH: Except you.

OBAMA: But when it comes to difficult choices about our budget and our priorities, we have found common ground before. Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill came together to save Social Security. Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress eventually found a way to settle their differences and balance the budget, and many Democrats and Republicans in Congress today came together in December to pass a tax cut that has made Americans' paychecks a little bigger this year and will spur on additional economic growth this year. So I believe we can find this common ground.

RUSH: His budget calls for massive tax increases, massive tax rate increases on the rich, and yet here he is praising a "tax cut." There was no tax cut, by the way. He's talking about the deal that happened in the lame duck session in December. There were no tax cuts. Again, the current tax rates were simply extended for a couple years. There were no tax cuts. But even then he says they "passed a tax cut, made Americans' paychecks a little bigger, spur on additional economic growth." So he admits that in a philosophical or theoretical sense, tax cuts equal economic growth. Yet his own budget promises tax increases which will retard economic growth. Common ground? Reagan, Tip O'Neill? This is a guy who instructs his voters to "punish their enemies." This is the guy who says, "They show off with a knife, you show up with a gun." This is a guy who sends his SEIU union thugs out to beat up black guys at Tea Party rallies! Common ground. Here's the next sound bite from the Obama budget presser.

OBAMA: Well, I continue to believe I'm right (snickers) so we're gonna try again. I think what's different is, everybody says now that they're really serious about the deficit. Well, if you're really serious about the deficit -- not just spending, but you're serious about the deficit overall -- then part of what you have to look at is unjustifiable spending through the tax code.

RUSH: Come on, this is --

OBAMA: Tax breaks that do not make us more competitive, do not create jobs here in the United States of America.

RUSH: We're listening to somebody that doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about. We're listening to somebody who sat around and ruminated with a fellow bunch of professors in the faculty lounge -- people who are obsessed with resentment, people obsessed with hatred and dislike for free market capitalism and the people who have prospered from it, a bunch of theoreticians who in the real world couldn't accomplish anything. But they're the smartest in the room. They're the smartest of all! They have all the answers. They have all the ideas. "If you're serious about the deficit, part of what you have to look at is unjustifiable spending through the tax code." I have told you the government thinks all money is theirs, and what you end up with is the result of their compassion and largesse.

They decide how much you get to have.

You may be the one getting paid, but they determine how much you end up with.

All money is government's, and therefore everything they don't get from everything that is produced, they consider spending. They consider a gift. Because they're not taking it. Even though they think they have dibs on it. How else do you arrive at some convoluted rationale that says tax cuts are "unjustifiable spending"? But that's what he said; that's what he believes. We have, I guess, one more. It was a question the Reuters White House stenographer Patricia Zengerle asked. She said, "What concerns do you have about instability, especially in Saudi Arabia, as the demonstrations spread? Do you foresee any effects on oil prices? And talking about Iran, can you comment about the unrest there? What is your message to the Iranian people in light of there was some criticism that your administration didn't speak out strongly enough after the demonstrations in Iran in 2009."

OBAMA: On Iran. We were clear then and we are clear now that what has been true in Egypt is -- should be -- true in Iran, which is that people should be able to express their opinions and their grievances and seek a more responsive government. What's been different is the Iranian government's response, which is to shoot people and beat people and arrest people. America cannot ultimately, uh, dictate what happens inside of Iran any more than it could inside of Egypt. Ultimately these are sovereign countries. They're are gonna have to make their own decisions.

RUSH: Well, now, that's interesting after they just got through trying to take credit for everything that happened inside Egypt. They just tried to take credit for everything that happened in Egypt. We really can't tell the Iranians what to do. They're a sovereign country. If they're gonna shoot people, they're gonna shoot people. If they're gonna shoot people, if they're gonna put people in jail, that's what they're gonna do. We can't really do much about that. So that was a question, by the way. I think one of the reasons for the press conference is to get into a discussion of all that that dilutes the message on Egypt, dilutes further retention to the budget and and the the deficit and so forth.

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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