Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well played, Romney!

Romney had a photo op today in front of the closed Solyndra building. Rush was ecstatic, so was I:
RUSH: This is CNN: "Mitt Romney made a surprise campaign stop today at the shuttered headquarters of Solyndra." Romney went and stood in front of the Solyndra sign for a photo-op. Solyndra, "the failed energy company that he talks about a lot as a symbol of Obama's misuse of taxpayer dollars." Now, folks, this is well-played. I have to tell you, at the beginning of the program I told you I really like the fact that Romney is ignoring all these Democrat calls to repudiate his supporters.

"Distance yourself from Trump. He's a birther! How dare you? Distance yourself from Limbaugh. You have go out to condemn these people. You have got to put 'em away. You've gotta put 'em down," and Romney's not responding to it at all. Now, McCain, he didn't wait for the Democrats to complain. When he knew they were gonna complain he took preemptive action and got rid of supporters. And most Republicans do. The media, the Democrats, start stomping their feet and crying and moaning.

They start demanding (sniveling liberal impression), "You better repudiate Limbaugh! You -- you -- you better distance yourself from Limbaugh." And Republicans that go do it are applauded. But Romney, to his credit, is not. So here's Obama running all these ads about how heartless and cold Romney is. (paraphrased) "Bain Capital, all they cared about is profits! They hired people and fired 'em. They took over companies and they fired people and they shut 'em down and took them to bankruptcy, but they got their profits out of it."

So Romney has responded (paraphrased), "Oh, yeah? Well, I've got an 80% success rate, Mr. President. The companies that Bain Capital -- using its own money, by the way -- went in and rescued had an 80% success rate. What's your success rate, Mr. President? Zero! Every company you've attempted to save or industry you've tried to give a boost to -- with taxpayer dollars, not even your own -- are bankrupt." And to personify this, to illustrate it, Romney goes to Solyndra today.

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