Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trickery or Force of Arms?

All throughout history - on any continent - one people has driven out another not by "trickery" but by force of arms. The Native Americans did not live in a paradise in the US before Caucasians came - many different tribes hated each other and fought each other constantly. The Conquistadors were able to take over Mexico so easily the Aztecs had enslaved several other Indian tribes and used them for sacrifice. (Little recking what the Spaniards whom they helped would do to them.)

Point being, we didn't take California, Colorado, Texas or Arizona by trickery, but rather by superior martial ability. (I assume Farrahkan is talking about the USS Maine, which was blown up...either by Spaniards or by Americans hoping to provoke a war). But it owuld have happened regardless.

Calypso Louie on "White Mexicans"
RUSH: Calypso Louie. Louis Farrakhan says it's, "'Sad That Mexico Lost California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico' Through American 'Trickery;'" but he said payback is coming, because, "Soon Whites 'Will Be the Minority' In the Country They 'Took' -- The day before Memorial Day, Nation of Islam leader [Calypso] Louis Farrakhan lamented that Mexico had lost territory to America due to the Mexican-American War and disparaged American military action around the globe.'"

He was "in San Diego [speaking to] a partially Hispanic audience. [He] began by disparaging 'White Mexicans' of Spanish decent before announcing that 'Africans were in that part of the World [Mexico] maybe before [Mexicans] got there.'" Did you know that, that there were blacks in Mexico before the Mexicans got there? Of course there were no Mexicans. It was the Spaniards. Then Minister Farrakhan "lamented that illegal Mexicans are called 'aliens' and declared that Americans 'ought to be praising the Mexicans because we living on land that was once theirs.'"

And that's when he "went on to declare that he was 'sad that Mexico lost California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado' after the Mexican-American War 'trickery.'" Then he said it's payback time because "white people will soon 'be the minority in their own country that they took from the native people.'" Now, we sit here and we laugh at this stuff, but we're talking about somebody's got a sizeable audience. We're talking about somebody that wields a fair amount of influence within his community.

Yeah, we've had our share of fun with Minister Farrakhan, and we've laughed at him, but this is serious stuff.

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