Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Republicans Feeding on Each other instead of Obama

Rush commented on this today...he's commented on it alot, actually. Republicans going after each other, instead of getting together to go against Obama.


If he weren't black, they'd be going after him, but they just don't dare...the "R" word has got too much power these days. Yes, there is still racism in the US, yes some of it is white on black - but there's also black on white, black on Asian, Asian on black.... but of course it's only if you're white that you can lose your job for it.
RUSH: Just to repeat now, speaking of defining, you know, we got some lib on the Chris Matthews Show yesterday, David Ignatius, (paraphrasing) "Yeah, Obama, he's got a year to define himself." He's defined. Our problem is that Republicans will not use it. You know, we got Republicans, media, conservatives, you name it, that are trying to kill Republicans, in a political sense. We've got people saying horrible things about Gingrich, horrible things about Romney, horrible things about Bachmann. Nobody will say one horrible thing about Obama. We're like a circular firing squad. I know it's politics, but what about the other guy? What about the real enemy here? Why does the real enemy get a pass?

There was an analysis released last week that showed that 45% of all political ads in Iowa were negative commercials aimed at Gingrich, and they worked. Gingrich was once leading. Do you remember, he had this big surge. Gingrich was up in Iowa. He was up everywhere. He was up nationally. And a never-ending barrage. And you could say that Romney's PAC has taken Newt out. It worked. Negative ads work. You define your opponent. Newt had not defined himself, or at least not sufficiently so to ward off the attacks. So now he's going after Romney big time. He's calling Romney a liar. The media can't believe this is happening, but he's doing it.

You have to define your opponent, and you have to define yourself. And principle, of course, is the easiest way to define yourself. But the Republicans seem to be great at doing this to each other, but they're always afraid to do it to the Democrat nominee. For some reason we're not worried about ticking off the independents in our primary. Have you noticed this? We can go out there, we can say the most horrible things about our own people, we're not worried the independents aren't gonna like it. You get into the general election, "Oh, we can't criticize Obama, oh, no, the independents are gonna be running right back to the Democrats." What a bunch of hooey

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