Friday, January 27, 2012

Why Are We Paying Companies To Outsource Our Jobs?

As I wrote about a few weeks ago, I signed up to get email alerts from the Barack Obama camp, just to see what they have to say and their version of what they do, as opposed to what Rush and the conversavtive media say they do.

Today I got this email:
Under current law, American companies can actually get a tax deduction for outsourcing jobs.

That's the opposite of how it should work. President Obama is proposing to end tax deductions for outsourcing, create a new tax credit for bringing jobs home, and lower tax rates for companies that manufacture and create jobs in the United States.

I don't have time to research it now, but I'd really like to know what bright bulb decided to give companies a tax break if they sent American jobs overseas!

I thought they did it simply because the wages they'd have to pay overseas were lower, I didn't think it was because they were actually encouraged - tax wise - to do it!

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