Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who Was Obama Talking to When He Told Blacks to Stop Complain'?

Obama was making a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus when he said his bit about "Stop complainin'.... get out of your bedroom slippers and into your marching shoes and join me."

I assumed that even though he was making his speech to the Congressional Black Caucus - he was actually addressing the entire black community - they are the ones of whom a high percentage are on welfare, a high percentage can't get jobs because they have no job skills and so on.

But according to Maxine Waters, she thought he was telling the Black Caucus to stop their whining and start fighting with him.

And Tavis Smiley was really ticked off about what Obama had said.

Rush shared many soundbytes of this on his show today.
RUSH: All right, bedroom slippers. "Take off the bedroom slippers and put on the marchin' shoes." Last night on CNN's Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer was with Maxine Waters. "I think Obama was complaining. He was talking about Cornel West has been talking about him, as you know -- and at least remarks that you've made, Maxine. Other White House officials have said, 'Why is Maxine Waters complaining so much, doesn't she realize Obama wants to improve the economy, the job situation for everybody?'"

WATERS: Maxine Waters does not complain.

BLITZER: "Everybody."

WATERS: Maxine Waters does two things: Public policy and organizing. I don't go around complaining and so I don't really think he was talking to us or the people in that room.

BLITZER: So you're gonna take off your slippers and you're gonna get out there and march with him?

WATERS: I've never owned a pair of bedroom slippers.

BLITZER: (chuckle)

RUSH: Ohhhh! So Maxine doesn't even have a pair of bedroom slippers, and now she says that Obama just got excited and insulted the Congressional Black Caucus by accident.

WATERS: The President can get to know the Black Caucus a lot better. I think there should be more interaction. I think we should work on strategies together. I think that there's a lot of room for a lot more cooperation. I think he got carried away; he got fired up. He meant to talk about what he wanted to do, but I think he knew that he was talking to hardworking members of the Congressional Black Caucus and civil rights leaders and workers who have been doing this for years who have been marching for years and really understand what it means to march, not people sitting around in bed slippers or house shoes.

WATERS: I don't know who the president was talking to. Certainly not the Congressional Black Caucus. We have been working hard. Not only have we been doing the job fairs and the town halls, but we've spent --

RUSH: All right. [Note to Rush - and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. This JIP-ing thing (Joining In Progress) just sounds stupid. Stop it!]

WATERS: -- a lot of time --

RUSH: All right.

WATERS: -- documenting --

RUSH: All right.

WATERS: -- the misery and the unemployment --

RUSH: All right.

WATERS: -- and the joblessness.

RUSH: Okay.

WATERS: So he certainly wasn't talking to us.

RUSH: Okay.

WATERS: We didn't go on vacation.

RUSH: All right.

WATERS: We were actually working --

RUSH: Ohhhh.

WATERS: -- during our break.

RUSH: "We didn't go on vacation." I was gonna say, it sounds like Maxine is back on the leash, but with the vacation comment... (interruption) Well, you know, she asked to be "unleashed." She asked her supporters to be unleashed in going after Obama and her supporters unleashed her and she went after Obama and now Obama didn't mean it when he replied. He wasn't talking about her, so she's back on the leash. Last night on the Tavis Smiley show, PBS -- getting ugly out there, folks -- talked to representative Sheila Jackson Lee of "Mars," and during a discussion about Obama's remarks to the Black Congressional Caucasians, Sheila Jackson Lee said...

WATERS: There were words, of course, such as taking off bedroom slippers and marching that I will say to you in the auditorium that night, the audience was on their feet. They were caught up in the idea that here is a captain that is going to right the ship, that he is not gonna allow us to sink -- and the words didn't have the words of dissection or analysis. It was: We're gonna march; we're gonna fight.

RUSH: So Sheila Jackson Lee was inspired by the bedroom slippers comment. The rest of the black community is insulted by it, but she's inspired that... (interruption) Well, I think so. It's as good a guess as anybody else's just what she meant, but it was "We're gonna march; we're gonna fight." So she didn't dissect it; she just dissected it. Well, they didn't dissect it they were so inspired. And now the Congressional Black Caucasians are going on vacation for another week along with everybody else in Congress. "[T]he words didn't have the words of dissection..." We need a translator here, and I don't have time for it. One more: Tavis Smiley responded to her. Tavis, I guess, understood what she said.

And here's Tavis Smiley - really ticked off at Obama.
SMILEY: People were cheering and jumping up and down when they crucified Jesus. So the fact that people are jumping up and down and cheering, don't mean that what's going down is right. Would the president ever say to an audience of our Jewish brothers and sisters concerned about the crisis in the Middle East, "Stop complainin', stop grumblin', stop cryin'"? Would this president ever say to Wall Street, "Stop complainin', stop grumblin', stop cryin'"? [Actually Tavis, he would and did, didn't he?]

Would he ever say to our Hispanic brothers and sisters on immigration and their concerns, "Stop complainin', stop grumblin', stop cryin'"? Did he say to gays and lesbians, "Stop complainin', stop grumblin', stop cryin'"?

SMILEY: How does he get away with saying this to black folk, when he would never form his lips to ever say that to any other constituency?
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