Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good News in New York

Will the Democrats learn from their two election losses yesterday? Probably not.

Rush had a lot to say about the New York one.
RUSH: It's a tough district for Democrats, folks, we all have to realize this. They've held that seat for 93 years. It's a tough place for 'em. New York 9, very, very tough place. That Debbie "Washerwoman" Schultz, head of the Democrat National Committee said that, a very tough district for the Democrats. Feeling sorry for 'em today.

It's a New York district. You know that I am a lightning rod, I do not want to hurt the guy [Turner is the man who gave Rush his TV show]. And then all through the campaign -- folks, this is not about me, if you'll just stick with me here, there's a lesson here for all of us, that I need to learn myself. All during this race I kept waiting for Democrat opposition research to blow this up and try to defame Turner. Look, this is Queens and Brooklyn, and it is a New York district. Chuck Schumer's old district, Liz Holtzman when it was a different name. They've redistricted this district so many times, I mean Schumer's had it, Weiner had it, Liz Holtzman had it when it was a different number. It's been heavy Democrat. Bob Turner is Catholic, running against an orthodox Jewish guy. I figured all right, this is pretty much etched in stone. So I kept waiting for Democrat opposition research to discover this and start plastering it all over the place and I didn't see that.

All I saw was they were trying to associate Turner with Jerry Springer and to claim that Turner presided over cultural rot and that kind of thing. The thing about this was that it was all about Obama, make no mistake, this was all about Obama. Israel was a huge, huge issue. Anyway, we all fall prey -- this is the lesson -- all of us, I'm talking about us conservatives, but people in general, we all fall prey now and then to the caricatures that the left makes of all of us as conservatives. It even affects people in the talk radio business. There are talk radio consultants advising program directors, "You can't go that way, that's angry white man talk." Well, who created this notion, angry white men? The liberals did. And for what purpose? To discredit all of conservatism. And so you hear this, and there are other examples I could give you, but in this case the way it manifested itself, I made the assumption that were I to get in this and start talking up Bob Turner it would hurt.

It turned out it wouldn't have. It turned out the Democrats did polling -- I just learned this a couple days ago -- the Democrats did opposition research polling in the district and they found out to their shock that I'm very popular in this district. I have a very supportive audience in this district, which stunned them. It's Orthodox, it's Israel, blue-collar, it's made up of Democrats that are your father and grandfather's Democrats, not this current crop of leftist Marxist socialists or what have you. So that's why they tried to tar Turner with Jerry Springer. But it wasn't gonna work no matter what they tried because this was about Obama.

But the lesson here is that you gotta fight every day the caricatures and the templates of us that the left puts out there, 'cause one of the things it does is it puts everybody on defense. It's why the Republicans in Congress, it's why we have so many problems with them. We all know that what they're trying to do is prove to everybody they're not what is said about them. They're not racist, sexist, bigot, homophobes. They're not angry white men, whatever the charge is. And in most cases it's all bogus. There's no voting bloc of angry white men. Talk radio is not made up of angry white hosts. But that's what's been created out there, and of course all the other caricatures that have been made. So it was a great lesson to learn, to be reminded.

RUSH: Drudge has a headline up there about this New York 9 election: "Revenge of the Jews." Revenge of America is what this is. This is revenge of America. And I tell you Mitt Romney and all the rest of you seeking the Republican presidential nomination, the voters don't want to hear how you want to go to Washington to work with the Democrats. The Democrats are destroying what people hold dear in this country. They don't want to work with them; they want to beat them. They want them rendered such a small minority that they can't screw things up. They have already put career people in all these bureaucracies. The Department of Justice has been polluted and corrupted for a generation with pure left-wing ideologues. It's true over at EPA, it's true at any number of places. It's called election insurance.

Even when they lose the White House, they have their people in career positions in federal government bureaucracies and in the judiciary. This has got to be dealt with, not worked with. Nobody that's gonna vote in the Republican primaries and nobody that's gonna vote in the general election wants Republicans to go to Washington to work with the Democrats. I remind you again that Bob Turner didn't say that's what he was gonna do. What did Bob Turner do not to tick off the independents? I mean they said you can't criticize Obama, no, no, no, don't criticize Obama, it's gonna send the independents running way back to the Democrats. What did Bob Turner do? Bob Turner stood every campaign axiom on its head, every bit of conventional wisdom on its head. That's why the Democrats are in a state of shocked paranoia today. There's no way they can spin this. Some of the ways they're trying are laughable.

No Democrat is safe, because you see, folks, the American people are sick and tired of Democrats lying and smearing and failing. It is the economy. It's the uncertainty, it is the fear that this is not how this kinda stuff is supposed happen in this country. We're not supposed to lose jobs like this and never get them back. We're not supposed to have a president who presides, happily it seems at times, over the decline of this country. We are not a country which takes pride in punishing hard work and achievement and taking from those people to give to people who are not helping this country grow. We never have been that country, and we're not that country, and people don't want America to become that country. They're tired of the amateur hour that this regime is. They're tired of the deficit and the never ending stimulus and spending and debt.

They don't want Obamacare. They don't want nationalized medicine, forced government-run health care. They don't want it. They don't want a president filling out NCAA brackets, going to play golf more than the host of this show does and attending all these parties. It's the partisan hack speech to a joint session of Congress. People were not fooled. It's the price of gasoline, it's the markets, it's the fact that we have put a moratorium on drilling for our own oil. People are not stupid. Their lives are affected by what this administration has done, and every chance the people of this country have had to show it at the ballot box, they have done so without doubt. They did some exit polling in New York 9. Only 29% of the independents in that district approve of Obama's policies. Twenty-nine percent of the independents.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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