Monday, September 19, 2011

If They Can't Hold On To Their Money the First Time....

Last week I'd shared an article about how a woman had embezzled millions of dollars from the campaign chests of various Democratic politicians.

At least one Dem, Diane Feinstein, weants her donors to help her get that money donating again.

I do wonder, with the economy as bad as it is, how can people afford these double dip donations.
Story #2: DiFi Wants to Re-Raise Stolen Campaign Funds

RUSH: There was a story last week, we didn't touch on it, but I'm going to now. Somebody in charge of managing campaign funds for a bunch of Democrats stole it or lost it all in California, stole it, exactly right. Kinde Durkee, Democrat Party operative caught misappropriating campaign funds. Despite numerous documented legal problems and huge fines levied by the Federal Elections Commission, Ms. Durkee kept getting hired. She kept getting hired -- I guess thieves stick together -- by Democrat congressmen and senators from California to serve as the campaign treasurer in their various reelection bids. She kept stealing, she kept getting hired.

They had to figure here's somebody that knows what she's doing, except you're not supposed to steal from us. So, anyway, many of these campaigns are broke and Ms. Durkee has been arrested in a sweeping federal fraud case, sending shock waves across the Democrat Party establishment. Now, here's what's funny. Dianne Feinstein happens to be one of the Democrats who lost everything from her campaign chest. She has asked federal regulators the following question: If my contributors gave the legal limit, and our campaign operative has stolen the money, can these contributors donate to my campaign again? In other words, she's not worried, folks, about repaying them. She's not worried about repaying herself. She wants to know if she can scorch 'em again.

Now, you tell me how these people being in charge of the federal budget makes any sense at all? Because we get stolen from every day, we get looted every day, and they blame us after we get stolen from and our money is looted, they tell us we're not paying enough taxes. Imagine if you're a donor and you get a call, "Hey, somebody stole all of our campaign funds, including your contribution, would you give again?" Not even a thought about repaying these people or even repaying herself, just, "Okay, somebody stole it from me, can I get it replaced?"

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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