Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Egypt's New Ruler Doesn't Bode Well For Israel

Too bad Mubarrak didn't spend his last couple of months in power trying to work with his people, instead of moving money out of the country prepatory to fleeing himself.
Story #4: "Moderate" ElBaradei Threatens War with Israel

RUSH: My buddy Andrew McCarthy yesterday, you know, Andy is very smart. We're still looking, still paying very close attention to that democracy movement in Egypt, and we're still looking for it. We don't think there's been one, and I'm wondering where are all of the early adopters of our supposed support for the, quote, unquote, peace uprising in Egypt. Mohamed ElBaradei has threatened war against Israel. He did. Mohamed ElBaradei has his heart set at becoming a big guy in Egypt. Now, we've been told, I'm sure you've heard this. They're calling it the Arab spring, a blossoming, if you will, of freedom and democracy, spearheaded by liberty lovers, to borrow Condoleezza Rice's words. They just want to live side by side in peace with their Israeli neighbors. This is what we're being told. There wasn't the slightest cause for hesitation about getting rid of that thug, Mubarak. We had to get rid of him, an anti-terrorist, pro-American dictator.
He kept the peace with Israel for 30 years even though Egyptians had killed his predecessor for agreeing to that peace. So it was time for Mubarak to go. And after all, the likely new rulers were largely secular, moderate Muslim Brotherhood people, right? Remember? The Iran-friendly leftists like Baradei who are even more progressive than the Brothers, if that's possible, what could possibly go wrong here? They're gonna be a democracy. Even some in our intelligentsia on the right assured us that this was a pro-democracy peace movement, the Arab spring blossoming first in Egypt. And if a substantial majority of Egyptians denies Israel's right to exist, why shouldn't they be able to enact that policy democratically? (laughing) Don't our values require we support them in their quest to chart their own destiny? This is Andy McCarthy, National Review Online.

Anyway, ElBaradei has come out and basically challenged Israel's right to exist. Israel is our ally in that region. This is not at all commensurate with what we were told was happening in Egypt, an uprising of freedom and democracy. But it appears that the Obama regime cares less about our relationship with Israel than it does with our relationship with the new tyrants in Egypt.
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*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
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