Rush talked about the terrible ruling in Arizona today, in which a judge removed all the teeth from their new law which aimed at cracking down on illegal aliens invading that state.
Arizona and the feds will fight it out in the courts now, but while they're fighting it out, of course more illegals will be coming in.
And its such a tragedy, because the law was already working! Illegals were packing up and leaving the state voluntarily (although returning to Mexico or going to California where they were invited to come, I'm not sure.) Now, of course, they are heartened. They know very well now that they will never be forced to leave any state. They can walk the streets and drive their cars with impunity.
And it's just...scary. It's like we're living in the Twilight Zone or some story by Franz Kafka, where the word "illegal" has no meaning, where the word "citizen" has no meaning...but where the words "everybody in poverty if everybody can't be rich" are going to resonate, pretty soon.
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