This is a hard thing for us to do. We hate to say it, but... Hillary Clinton was right. She was right about Barack Obama. She was right when she said that he wasn't ready to act in a time of crisis; that he didn't have what it took to do the job; that he wasn't ready to be President. It hurts to say it, but Hillary Clinton was right, and if we're going to acknowledge that, then we also have to understand that to stop this part-time president from doing further harm to our country, we can't wait until November. We have to start now.
Are you ready? Then go to and pledge your name to victory in November. If you make that commitment, then we'll make sure that you have the opportunity to do your part. And after you've signed up, forward this email to your friends, and tell them how important it is to make a stand against the Obama Administration. Don't hesitate: take action today at
>>"This is a hard thing for us to do. We hate to say it, but... Hillary Clinton was right. "
And that's just ridiculous. Something you'd expect Rush Limbaugh to say (no offense, Rush), not the head of the RNC. Talk show hosts can make fun of people and make these kinds of jokes if they want (though I wish they wouldn't), but politiicans should keep it on the merits.
IT's by not keeping discussions to the merits that the Dems came up with their plan that works so well...anytime a Republican wants to talk illegal immigrants, or ending affirmative action or what have you, immediately slam them with the title of Racist so that they'll have to spend the rest of their lives defending that charge.
The "R" word should be removed from political discourse between politicians, and so should sarcasm. There's too much verbal abuse in the world as it is.
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