Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is Violence Ever Justified?

There's currently a debate on ... well, not a debate, only one person thinks what happened was outrageous! ... about the Muslims who retaliated when a bunch of Christians came along and spoiled their Muslim Pride day by shouting insults and carrying pigs heads on sticks.

Now, you all know how I feel about Islam. I don't like the way Islam treats its women (though fundamental Christianity isn't all that much better) and I don't like the way they get special dispensation to pray at schools when Christians can't, when crosses have to be taken down, ya da ya da. (This despite the fact I'm an atheist. I have no problem acknowledging I'm living in a country with a Judeo-Christian history.)

But this was beyond the pale.

Muslims in Dearborn, MI were having a neighborhood pride day. All they were doing was having ethnic food and games, or whatever the heck Muslims do, and a bunch of Christians showed up, with bullhorns, and pigs heads on sticks, and proceeded to ruin their day.

And, oh shock. The Muslims fought back! Beat up some people! 

More power to 'em, says I.

If it had been a bunch of Christians protesting Muslims doing something in front of Ground Zero, that would have been one thing. But it wasn't. It was people in their own neighborhood doing their own thing, and no one else had any right to interfere.

One of the folks on Hannity - I'm going to assume it's a woman, is saying the Muslims had no right to get violent, just proves they're not civilized, etc.

But please...I think the non-civilized ones were the Christians. I mean, what on earth did they think they would accomplish? You're going to convert a bunch of Muslims by treating them like dirt and telling them they'll burn in hell? I think not.

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