Thursday, June 21, 2012

If you can't read or write...why should you be able to get a job?

There's an ad campaign at Minnesota Duluth univerrsity saying Being White is unfair.

I'm surprised this comes out of Duluth, I thought all of Minnesota's people of color were in St. Paul.

But the point is, today's society is not set up so whites can achieve and blacks can fail. It's set up so that those who can read and write English, and do math, can succeed, and those that don't, don't.

Maybe if black kids had a mom and a dad instead of just a mom, and these parents encouraged education and assimilation instead of "don't be like whitey, that's betraying your roots," more black kidswould be able to pass tests and get jobs!

Whoever thought up this campaign should travel to inner-city Chicago, inner-city Detroit, inner-city New York...see how mny of the kids growing up there have any chance of getting good jobs...and how many who do are ostracized by those who feel like they're betraying their own people. (Reverend Wright and Black Liberation Theology teaches this.)

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