Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why do single moms stay single?

I was flicking through channels earlier today, and came across a political talk show. I only listened for a few seconds. I didn't recognize the man doing the talking, but he was talking about unmarried mothers. Specifically "poor white women." [Yes, he was specifically talking about poor white women (remember although most black kids are born out of wedlock, white unwed motherhood is increasing at the highest percentage.]

"Why don't you get married?
"You think I'm going to marry that loser?"

Apparently poor white women don't marry the men who father their babies because they are losers who can't hold down jobs, and are unreliable, etc.

And it's certainly common sense - why marry a guy who can't hold down a job, or even bother to get one?

But that begs the question - why would you want this man to be the father of your child, and pass his worthless genes down to it? Why are you rewarding this guy for being a loser by providing him with free sex? (i.e., there's no reason for him to change his loser ways if he can get sex despite being a loser.)

It's a mindset that I just don't understand. You'd think they'd work hard to get good jobs so they'd no longer be poor, the find a good man and have a kid. But of course, since if they have a kid and are poor they can get more welfare, there's no reason, I guess, for them to not have a kid whenever they want.

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