Monday, April 30, 2012

Why shouldn't Obama "spike the football?"

It seems like every time I praise Obama for something good he's done (it's rare, but it happens!), I lose a few subscribers. And every time I criticize Rush for one of male chauvanist jokes, I lose subscribers. Well - I calls 'em as I see 'em, so although I hate to lose subscribers, the praise when merited and the criticism when merited will go on.

Just because I praise Obama for some things he's done doesn't mean I hope-hope-hope! he's kicked out of office in November, and just because Limbaugh occasionally annoys me with his tasteless jokes, doesn't mean I don't agree with about 80% he has to say.

(Well, maybe it's when I criticize religion that I lose the most subscribers, but that will stay as well. I'm glad I live in a secular country with a Judeo-Christian history, but I sure don't want to lose that secularism!)

Anyway, to the nub of the matter.

President Obama is being criticized for "politicising" his taking out of Bin Laden. Now of course there's the doubt that Bin Laden is actually dead, with his ocean burial, but let's assume he actually was killed. Why shouldn't Obama proudly point to that as something that happened on his watch? If I recall correctly, Bush had stopped his forces looking for Bin Laden to concentrate on the war in Iraq...

So if Obama wants to crow about one thing he did well, let him. There's hundreds of other things in which he can be legitimately castigated - all the bowing to foreign rulers, the insult to England with the return of the Churchill statue, the deliberate bankrupting of oil companies, the skyrocking electricty prices....let Obama has his seconds in the sun before getting him back on track with his dismal failures.

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