Friday, April 27, 2012

No-show jobs paying $300,000 a year...

Yes, Michelle Obama got one... but really... this has been going on since time immemorial. Folks help you get elected, you're supposed to reward them by giving them "sinecures". And for big business, if they can give a "no show job" to someone whose wife or hubby is a big deal in the government, they'll do that to keep the grant money coming.

That's something that's got to be reformed, the incestuousness of the congressman/big business relationship. A guy resigns from his seat, and immediately goes to work for a lobby firm, because he's still hand in glove with the folks he used to work with in the government. Or he becomes a "consultant"...

More Obama Fundraisers
RUSH: President Obama is scheduled to do two more campaign fundraisers later today disguised as policy statements. One of them is a $40,000-a-plate dinner. One thing you could do is you could follow in Michelle Obama's footsteps and get a no-show job at a hospital for 300 grand a year. That will help you pay off your student loans.

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