Monday, April 16, 2012

If I could get near Rush, I'd give him a swirley

(That's frog-marching him into a bathroom,shoving his head in the toilet and flushing it.)

Rush was ragging on feminism today. He repeated his same old "joke," feminism was created to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of life.

Well, why shouldn't unattractive women get a piece of the pie? After all, unattractive men (i.e., balding fat tubbos) get their piece of the pie all the time.

Rush was giving young girls a lesson today in what life was like in the 70s - "women didn't want you to hold doors open for them, they didn't want you to open car doors for you, etc."

But what women did want was to be looked on as people, not children.

Even today, in orthodox Christian and Jewish households, women are second-class citizens. (And in orthodox Muslim households, they are of course third-class citizens, worth less than dogs.)

What did feminism do in the 1970s? It allowed women to start getting the jobs they wanted to get. During WWII over a thousand women, the WASP, flew every type of airplane imaginable. But at the end of the war, they were told, "Thanks, ladies, now you can go back to the kitchen." Experienced pilots tried to get jobs as airline pilots, but it wasn't until the 1970s that they succeeded.

Of course Rush always has a grain of truth in what he says - he pointed out that according to extremist feminist dictates, a woman didn't need a man. If she couldn't stand on her own two feet, the government would help her. And that's sort of led us where we are today, where women think nothing of having a different sexual partner a week, and if they get pregnant by it, well, that's just fine.

But that's not feminism - that's a distortion of feminism. All feminists want are to be treated like adults, not children.

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