Friday, April 27, 2012

Should You Give up a basebal to a 3-year old kid?

Was just reading a sports website. Apparently, yesterday, during the Yankees/Rangers game, a player threw a ball 30 feet up into a crowd.

A couple caught the ball and kept it, celebrating with it. A few feet away was a couple with their 3-year old son, and he wanted that ball and whined and carried on because he didn't get it.

And apparently the TV announcer doing the game was castigating the first couple for not giving that ball to that poor, crying 3 year old boy.

And I'm thinking - what the hell is this?

If the kid had been 6 or older, than it's conceivable he understood that he was at a baseball game, and he might take that ball and treasure it forever.

But a 3 year old kid? He'd take it, and throw it back on the field as like as not. Or he'd take it, play with it for 30 seconds, and then forget all about it. He's 3!

The announcer - and some of the commenters on the site that I read, said that this couple with the ball "Must have known" that the kid was not just throwing a tantrum - as kids up until they turn 18 are wont to do - and then like as not they're also adults throwing tantrums.... but in any event... why should the first couple have known this 3 year old was blubbering because he didn't get the ball.

Maybe he got pop spilled on him. Maybe he needed a nap.

So the couple who were castigated want the MLB to apologize to them, and frankly, I think they deserve an apology. Why should they give up a ball for a 3 year old kid who won't even remember to take the ball home with him?

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