Monday, April 2, 2012

What is the question that should be asked?

Yesterday, as I was channel surfing, I came across a news station doing a report on the Tayvon Martin case. The headline was, "Zimmerman's story doesn't add up." I didn't watch the thing, but it is sure interesting how in-depth the TV news places are going into the Martin case. Did we ever see such probing reporting during the campaign to get Obama elected? The news outlets definitely want to keep the Martin case churning, and they want Zimmerman to be guilty. And they don't want to talk about all the other black teens that have died since Martin did... only of course not killed by white cops or white Neighborhood Watch guys.

Also yesterday, while I was driving, I came across some talk show host..Michael Curry, I think. He is on the same station that airs Rush on weekdays.

And he told some long, involved story of him driving down a 4-lane highway. A mosquito was in his truck and he tried to swat it, concentrating on it to the exclusion of everything else, til he heard a horn honk and realized he'd swerved into the lane of oncoming traffic and he had to swerve back very quickly or he would have killed himself and who knows how many other people.

This was his analogy of what's going on with the Martin case. Don't let this one incident derail race relations.

But of course, this isn't just "one" incident. About once every couple of years, some unarmed black teen is killed by white cops - one guy had 40 bullet holes in him, another guy had 50. You would have thought ten or twenty would have been sufficient.

But I think there should be a shift in the kaleidoscope.

The question should not be, "Why do white cops occasionally gun down black teenagers?" The question should be, "Why do black teenagers put themselves in a position to be gunned down?"

No, I'm not trying to "blame the victim." I'm only trying to look at the facts.

If you look at the statistics, black crime is higher than white crime. Significantly higher. (That is not because whites are necessarily any less crooked than blacks, of course. Whites have jobs, so they steal from their employers. Indeed, you might say that's worse than what blacks do, because they don't need the money and steal anyway!)

But black teens, who don't have jobs, therefore aren't embezzling from employers but instead running around mugging people, stealing from stores, etc. So their rate of violent crime and murder is higher. (Obviously, I'm not saying all black teens. Just a percentage of them.)

Police are surely aware of these crime statistics. So when they see a black teen walking around late at night with a hoodie, and they get suspicious, are they racist? No? If black-white crime rates were the same, you could claim that. But they're not.

So its only common sense to stop the guy and ask him to identify himself. May be embarrassing for the teenager who is a law-abiding citizen, but like our Latino and Hispanic citizens who get the same treatment, don't blame the cops, blame the illegals who are tarnishing your character!

I think rather than worrying about white cops and their reactions, what our minority community leaders, and newspaper reporters, need to concentrate on, is the massive gang problem we've got in this country. More murders are committed every day by gang members than by any other segment of society. That's the real injustice in the US right now.

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