Monday, April 2, 2012

Is It Time for Rush to Start "Carrying the Water" for Romney?

Many years ago, when Bush 43 ran for his second term, (2006) he lost both the House and the Senate. Well, one of 'em. I can remember Sean Hannity, the day before the election, urging Republicans to get out and vote - but it didn't do any good, a lot of them lost.

Rush, on his show the next day, said that now he would stop "carrying the water" for those politicians who had lost.

In other words he wasn't going to criticize them while they were in power, but now that they had lost, he would criticize them.

Now we've got Mitt Romney. Let's face it... Romney is going to be the Republican nominee. And whether you like Romney or not... he's not Obama. If Obama is elected to a second term we're doomed.

And so, IMHO, it's time for Rush to stop taking digs at the guy. Focus on the positives, not the negatives. So he made the "etch-a-sketch' comment. Big deal.

From now until the November elections, Rush had better pump up Romney, ratherthan put doubts in the minds of the people so that many of them might just stay home, seeing no difference between the two men.

Of course, who Romney chooses for his VP candidate will also make a big difference.

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