Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's Good for the Goose is So Seldom Good for the Gander...

A few years ago, Barack Obama was running for election in Chicago, and he used various loopholes to disallow a couple of his competitors from running, so he won the election quite easily. This example of "Chicago politics" earned him the scorn of various book writers who pointed out he certainly wasn't above indulging in dirty politics, and I'm sure Rush commented on it.

Now we've got Joe Miller of Alaska. He defeated Lisa Murkowski in the primary. Instead of supporting Miller, Murkowski decided to run as a write-in candidate. Well, regardless of your feelings as to whether or not she should have done so, the fact remains that the write in candidat(s) received mroe votes than Miller did.

Problem is, some of the people apparently mispelled Murkowski's name.

And apparenlty it's the law in Alaska that write in ballots that mispell a person's name not be accepted.

So Miller has filed a lawsuit saying that any ballots that mispell Murkowski's name should be thrown out.

So if the name is spelled Merkowski, or Murkowske, this is apparently enough to throw out a ballot.

That seems too foolish to me. 99% of people in this country are lucky if they can spell their own last names, and they're to be penalized for not being able to spell Murkowski, when it is nevertheless clear who they voted for?

The whole situation is unfortunate, but of course we're talking political power here. Miller wants to get it, Murkowski wants to keep it, so if they spend millions of dollars on lawyers - they dont care. And nor do the lawyers. (No pro bono work for them when it comes to working with politicians!)

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