Thursday, October 25, 2018

WWE and Saudi Arabia

I don't follow professional "wrestling". I see snippets of it on occasion and cringe every time.

Yes - let's show impressionable youth that it's "cool" to attack your opponent while he's down, beat up authority figures (referees) and prance around as if you're god's gift.

So I didn't know that the WWE has just penetrated Saudi Arabia and will be holding some contests there.


That's just what Saudi Arabia needs - decadent American "entertainment' that teaches that there's no need for good sportsmanship, prancing and preening and arrogance are loved, and of course that old thing about not kicking an opponent when he's down.

The impact of pro wrestling can be seen in school yards every day where bullies beat up their helpless opponents, showing them no mercy - and I'm talking girls as well as boys here.

The saddest thing is that WWE is soooo popular. And it will probably be popular in Saudi Arabia, too.

Wonder how soon it will be before young male Saudis start body-slamming any woman they see who has dared to venture outside her house without a male relative beside her...

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