Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eric Holder Needs to be Fired

Rush was sharing excerpts from Eric Holder today. Talking about how he's been fighting against the requirements for voter ID because they place an "unfair burden" on blacks and Latinos.

Eric Holder. The guy who a) is supposed to uphold our laws and b) who is supposed to serve everybody, not just the black community.

Rush pretty much said what I said - no one is stopping these people from getting IDs except their own community leaders!

(What Rush didn't say, and it surprised me that he didn't, was that people need IDs - social security numbers, drivers licenses, etc. - to get jobs! So all these people who cant vote because they don't have IDs, because they "can't afford them," can't get jobs, either, which is why they are all on welfare.

AN ID is not expensive! Anyone can get an idea for $10 or so. Some place was even giving them out for free. But, according to Rush, Jesse Jackson actually encouraged his community to NOT get IDs because it would ruin their privacy.

I wonder if Jackson has an ID? I wonder if Holder has an ID?

HOLDER: Congressman Lewis may have described the reason for these concerns best in a speech when pointing out that the voting rights that he worked throughout his life and nearly gave his life to ensure -- and I quote him -- "Are under attack by a deliberate and systematic attempt to prevent millions of elderly voters, young voters, students, and minority and low-income voters from exercising their constitutional right to engage in the democratic process," unquote.

RUSH: John Lewis is who he's talking about. From Georgia. Made famous in the march to Selma. I want to know: Who is it that's trying to prevent millions of elderly young students, minority, low income... That pretty much covers it all, doesn't it? Every victimized cliche and group you could come up with, he's covered it. Who is it that's trying to stop millions of people from voting? I know, I know. They're trying to say that photo ID, voter ID is the weapon here.

Intellectually, this doesn't compute. Remember, now, I live in Realville. I have a photo ID. I can't vote where I live without it! I have to show my photo ID when I go vote. I have to prove that I'm in the register. I can't just show 'em my card. They have to see a picture. How in the world...? And it's up to me to get the picture, and nobody is stopping anybody from getting a photo ID. Now, I've heard what Jesse Jackson is telling people. In Georgia they tried to do this, and they said, "We'll even do it free. Just come down to the office."

And Jesse Jackson said (summarized), "Don't leave your home! That's what they want. They want to get you out of your home, and they want to get you in there and they want to take away your privacy." Well, somebody ought to ask these people: "Do you see all the millions of Americans that have photo IDs. Just exactly what has happened to 'em because of that? How have their lives worsened? How have people who have photo IDs been prevented from voting? When's the last known case of this?

"When was it that somebody showed up with a photo ID and because of that were told they couldn't vote?" This really is irresponsible. It's absurd, and it's a classic illustration of the disservice done to the black community by black leaders. They're lying to them, scaring them, keeping them huddled in fear in the corners of their homes with imaginary monsters and threats (who are gonna do imaginary, monstrous things to them). If I didn't know better, I would say they're setting up an excuse for Obama losing here.

If I didn't know better, I would say they were already scared that Obama's gonna lose, the black vote's not gonna turn out, and this is all the setup and excuse for it. But I reject that because it's way too early for anybody to be thinking that way. Don't you need a photo ID to get food stamps or to use food stamps? I don't know. But you need a photo ID for virtually everything. You need a photo ID to buy cigarettes! But to get the EBT card? I know it's an ATM card, but maybe not.

HOLDER: The recent wave of changes to state-level voter identification laws also has presented a number of problems requiring the department's attention. In December, we objected to South Carolina's voter ID law after finding -- and this is based on the state's own data, the data that they sent -- the proposed change would place an unfair burden on nonwhite voters.

RUSH: How?

HOLDER: (crosstalk)

RUSH: How the hell does that happen?

HOLDER: (crosstalk)

RUSH: Stop the tape! This is reprehensible and irresponsible. How in the world does it place this "burden on nonwhite voters"? An attorney general of the United States is not even supposed to think this way, much less talk this way. "State's own data... proposed change would place an unfair burden on nonwhite voters." Why? Because they don't have photo IDs and they'd have to go get them?

Why don't they have them? Who's fault is that? Nobody's preventing them from getting them? The only people telling them not to get them are people like Holder and Reverend Jackson, civil rights leaders. "Don't you dare go get one because if you do you're gonna undermine our whole movement! The more of you that get photo IDs, the more you undermine our number one vote technique, which is fraud." Here's the rest of this bite, if I can handle it.

HOLDER: And this past March, we objected to a photo ID requirement in Texas because it would have a disproportionate impact on Hispanic voters. We also will continue working to enforce provisions like the Motor Voter Law, and to that end have recently filed two lawsuits to increase access to registration opportunities. In addition to these and other efforts to ensure access to the ballot box --

RUSH: I can't. Stop it. There is no "lack of access to the ballots box." You can register to vote when you buy a Big Mac, practically. In many places they register you to vote when you have no idea you can vote. That's not a problem. Voter registration is not a problem. Maybe getting people interested in registering in certain places is, but it's not a burden. It isn't hard. It's easy. It's just... This is the kind of stuff that keeps this country torn apart, folks. And this is the kind of stuff that puts a big obstacle, a giant roadblock in the way of ever overcoming some of this stuff.

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