Monday, April 25, 2011

"Women and Minorities Hardest Hit"

You do have to wonder about this template, as Rush calls it: "Women and Minorities Hardest Hit."

Because it's not all women... most women in the US have it pretty good, it's only those who are unwed mothers ....unfortunately an increasing percentage... who are "hardest hist" by anything. A statistic they could avoid if they just wouldn't have illegitimate children...or if they did want children out of wedlock, at least wait until they got a good education and a good job and could afford to take care of their kid(s) without being a drag on the rest of us (as regards our tax dollars going to pay them to raise the kids they can't otherwise afford to have).
Story #2: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit by iPhone Tracking

RUSH: You remember the old joke, ladies and gentlemen, that I've told year after year after year on this program? It's a joke that accurately reflects reality. The reason why it's funny is 'cause it has elements of truth in it. It's a joke about the way the media is locked into narratives and templates. So one day God's watching Oprah Winfrey and He says, "You know what? Humanity has blown it, and I've had it -- I can't take it anymore -- so I'm gonna end the world." So He picks up the phone and makes some phone calls. He calls New York Times, He calls the Wall Street Journal, He calls USA Today, and He calls the Washington Post.

All the reporters beg for an exclusive. God says, "Nope, no exclusive. World ends tomorrow. I've had it. You're hopeless." So the New York Times headline is: "God Says World to End Tomorrow," in Section B, page 8. USA Today headline says: "WE'RE GONE." Wall Street Journal: "God Says World to End Tomorrow, Markets to Close Early." Washington Post: "God Says World to End Tomorrow, Women and Minorities Hardest Hit." Today, I kid you not, from MSNBC: "Minorities Hit Hardest by iPhone Tracking Technology."

(laughing) Women and minorities are hardest hurt by virtue of Apple's tracking technology! They're so predictable -- they're so loony -- it's hilarious. MSNBC: "[Women and] Minorities Hit Hardest by iPhone Tracking Technology." It's getting even better. Do you realize you don't even need an iPhone or an iPad for Apple to know where you are? They can track you by virtue of your IP address in your desktop or laptop computer. They can pinpoint your location within a neighborhood based on that. None of this is anything new. Just the fact that it's being reported on a wide basis has people in a state of panic.

Now, what precisely does the article say about this:

It's from the Daily Caller, and of course what is meant is their's a racial tinge to it... tracking can lead to racial profiling! Oh, horrors!
Friday on MSNBC’s daytime programming, host Thomas Roberts explained that in the wake of revelations the iPhone tracks your movements with its operating software, minorities, specifically blacks and Latinos are most vulnerable, since they use their cell phones more than whites according to a Nielsen study.

“Alright, so one day after learning of a hidden iPhone feature that tracks your every single move, there’s new concern that tracking technology purchased by police can lead to racial profiling,” Roberts said. “You are looking at what’s called the ‘Universal Forensic Extraction Device.’ It can copy the entire content of a cell phone including text messages, contacts, GPS data and do it in just minutes. Michigan State Police purchased this device, though we don’t know how exactly they’re using it but civil liberties groups worry that the device endangers the privacy rights of blacks and Latinos. A Nielsen study shows blacks talk on average twice as much each month on their cell phones as white counterparts.”

Considering how much time white folks spend talking on the phone, that's truly scary that blacks spend twice as much time on the phone. (Free phones, provided by the government, in most cases. After all, heaven forbid someone who can't afford a phone should be without a phone in an emergency! Havng a phone is a basic human right!)

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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