Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Republican Candidates Exploring 2012 Presidential Bid

Donald Trump is in the news right now...the problem is he's a businessman, not a politician. So he could get our economy back on track...but what about foreign affairs? (One would hope whoever is the next President after Obama would apologize and ask for Churchill's bust back...)

Then there's Sarah Palin - who quit in her first term as governor and has no politiacal capital since them...
RUSH: So a frustrated caller in the first hour was asking, "Where is our Churchill?"

She's specifically focusing on Chris Christie. She thinks Christie is the answer to our problems, and she said, "Look, he says he's not ready. Well, I'm sorry. We don't have time for somebody to say they're not ready. Churchill didn't say he's not ready. Churchill answered the call. Churchill didn't have the luxury of saying he wasn't ready. It's serious. Churchill, he knew what Hitler was up to." It's important to understand that Churchill is the only one in the British hierarchy who dared think that about Hitler.

They had their heads in the sand like crazy on Hitler. They thought Churchill was nuttier than Hitler was! When Churchill was trying to warn them, they thought that they need to commit Churchill to the asylum. Neville Chamberlain knew when they invaded Poland, but I can't describe it for you. They thought he was a nut. He was "the crazy aunt in the basement" that Ross Perot always talked about that every family has. It was somebody that had to be tolerated because of his previous contributions and so forth, but he'd gone off the rails on this Hitler business.

But what did it take, what element was there for Churchill to rise up? That element was Hitler. In other words, to become a Churchill you first have to believe that you're facing a Hitler. Now, what if...? I know it's easy -- and Snerdley pooh-poohs this. But what if...? I'll mention it. What if Chris Christie or any of these other people in the Republican gang right now, those who we're pretty sure are in (and those that we'd like to see in but aren't like Bobby Jindal and Rubio and Allen West) don't see it as dire as our first caller from Canada? Now, don't pooh-pooh this. All right, now... (interruption) Wait a second. Wait a second.

Snerdley just asked me... I tell you, this is the single source of the greatest frustration we all have. Snerdley just said, "How can anybody not see it?" I would dare say, Snerdley, half the country doesn't see it! Now, the polling data would suggest that we're moving closer to people seeing it, but there's a story in the Wall Street Journal today about all these hedge fund guys that gave all this money and raised all this money for Obama who are now gonna raise money and give money to the Republicans. I read this story (and I might share it with you here; I have it in the stack) and it focuses on a couple of them.

It also focuses on some hedge fund guys who are still gonna raise money and give everything they can to Obama. Now, everybody makes an assumption about people with money, and that is that they're smarter than everybody else because they have a lot of money. There's something about wealth that connotes intelligence. But I'm telling you (snorts): Where is the brain in any hedge fund guy who supports Obama? Why do we automatically assume there's intelligence there, unless there is a specific crony capitalist arrangement between that particular hedge fund guy and Obama -- which is kinds of things he's doing. Jeffrey Immelt at GE is a classic example of crony capitalism, which is Obama essentially compromising one.

But the crony capitalist -- in this case Immelt -- is not paying any taxes, his company's getting all kinds of government investment, his company's growing with government dollars. That's his job. So if it's easier to get government money to grow the bottom line, to go out and sell stuff and grow the bottom line, then he'll do it. You think Immelt cares a hell of a whit where the country's headed? You think Immelt looks at Obama as Hitler? More like the Easter bunny! More like a gift every day! Obama's Christmas morning for GE. Obama's is adult Christmas for -- well, now over half the country, in terms of what they're getting, dependence and so forth.

So when you say who could possibly not understand the dire circumstances, telling you it's a lot of people that don't see it that way. (interruption) I'm telling you that Immelt may not care about $14 trillion in debt as long as GE's okay! Of course he sees $14 trillion, but he may not think it's a problem. Why in the world would Immelt think it's a problem when GE's going through the roof? Why should he care? (interruption) The hell with the country! He's a citizen of the world. GE sells and makes stuff all over the place. They don't think the country's gonna collapse! This is exactly what I'm telling you. You and I sit here, we think, "Obama wins in 2012 and the country as we know it's over." That's what we think.

Especially if Obama keeps appointing judges and if the judiciary just becomes an extended Democrat Congress, with lifetime appointments then that's why this Supreme Court decision on not fast tracking Obamacare on this Virginia lawsuit is very troubling to me. But there are a lot of people who don't put the country first. A lot of people are self-focused. I don't know this about Chris Christie or any of these other guys. I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility. The Republican leadership is not acting like the country is facing an imminent threat. The GOP leadership doesn't see it the way we do. Do you think they do?

Paul Ryan does, but the whole leadership, do you think they do? Who are the Republicans trying to marginalize? They're trying to marginalize the DeMints; they're trying to marginalize the Tea Party people. The Republicans don't see it that way -- or if they do, they don't want to roll up the sleeves and act on it. They don't want to work that hard. All I'm doing is responding to the woman's question. She wanted to know why, in this case Christie, is sitting back and saying, "I'm not ready." There's also the possibility that he honestly thinks he's not. But she doesn't want to accept that because the circumstances are such that where's the leadership? "The country hangs in the balance. You're not ready is not an excuse."

It might be to him. Clearly Obama wasn't ready, from our perspective, but from his he was made to order! From somebody's perspective Obama was made to order. From somebody's perspective, Obama is doing a flawless job. From somebody's perspective, Obama's the best president we've ever had. This is the kind of stuff that we are dealing with. When you ask me, Snerdley -- it's a great question. When you asked me, "Who doesn't see that the country is on the brink of collapse?" another better question is, "How many people are happy to realize that, and how do they vote?" They vote Democrat.

So it's like I say: You have to believe you're facing a Hitler in order to become a Churchill. And, by the way, folks, don't anybody start getting infantile here and say that we're comparing Obama to Hitler. You can make those comparisons on social policy, health care, the way the Nazis's the Socialist Party ran things, but we're not talking about the World War II Hitler here. You know, don't go batty on me and get all childish and immature. You know what I mean, and you know what you don't mean, and don't start trying to screw it up. The point is this: I talk to a lot of Republican leaders and I'm telling you: I don't hear myself when I listen to 'em talk, and I don't know that they hear me.

I don't know how many elected Republicans actually think as we do, or see the future of the country as we do. Chalk it up to Ruling Class, chalk it up to some people who may not think that there's a whole lot here worth preserving. The country's made up of all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs and we're having all kinds of arguments. Now, those of us who fashion ourselves as the epitome of patriotic Americans who are devoted to the preservation of this country as founded, we find it intellectually difficult to believe (or understand) how this country could be to reviled and hated, but it is.

I mean, it is despised by people born and raised here and who have lived here their whole lives -- and they vote, too; and they vote for anybody who's gonna make them think that they also see the country that way; and I guarantee you that's gonna be Democrats far more often than anybody else. I don't know how many people actually look at the future of the country and see things that are apocalyptic. So for the woman's question to be answered in an accurate way, we'd have to first find out if the people she wants to run see the future as she does. But isn't that's what's frustrating, that so many people don't see it the way we do?

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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