Thursday, November 11, 2010

They Survived Military Intelligence....Can They Survive Congress?

I didn't know this til Rush brought it up:
Story #5: Twenty-Five Vets Were Just Elected to Congress

RUSH: Do you know that 25 of the newly elected members of Congress are veterans? Twenty-five of them. These are some of the "kooky fringe candidates" the Democrats and their media were laughing about so much during the campaign. Oh, yeah. All these Republican freshmen are kooks, oddballs, Tea Party people? Twenty-five of them are veterans. Twenty-five of them have made the ultimate sacrifice. They have offered their lives in defense of their country and everybody else's freedom, and the Democrats call 'em kooks and fringe and so forth. There are even some Democrat veterans that ran and lost. They were not called kooks and freaks, but the Republicans were. Just keep that in mind as you listen to this new Republican freshman class characterized: 25 of them are veterans.

We'll see if these guys can get things done "the military way" in Congress. (I haven't been in the service myself, but my brother was in the Navy, my sister was in the Air Force, her husband is still in the Air Force, although retiring this year, and my dad was in the Air Force during Vietnam). The rank and file do their jobs, but talk about red tape you have to wade through....

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