Monday, July 2, 2012

States opting out...

The ineptness that is the American government is just scary.

We're the USA, for God's sake, and we have all these inept people in our government. People like Charlie Rangel in our government even though they're demonstrably crooks. People who are turning this country into a socialist country - unopposed.

Cites that are going bankrupt. States that are going bankrupt! How can this be possible in the USA!

RUSH: The states under ObamaTax, have to pay for all of that new insurance coverage for the people who aren't insured via Medicaid. Well, the problem is many of the states have their own fiscal emergencies. California and others have already been buried by unfunded liabilities when it comes to public employee pensions and health care. You make 125 grand a year working for the state, you retire at age 50, you get 90% of your salary for the rest of your life and free health care for the rest of your life, times tens of millions of employees. States don't have the money. And unlike the federal government, they can't print it. But Obamacare offloads all this new spending on the states. But the court decision said that the states, if they refuse to accept the new spending mandates from the Feds, cannot be punished by the Feds.

If anybody wants a silver lining, this could be it. However, who are we dealing with here? We're dealing with lawless people anyway. The bottom line is, the states can opt out. They can refuse to pay health insurance costs for the newly covered, the former uninsured. And in so doing, in refusing, they can't be punished by the federal government in any way by having money for other programs taken away from them. Okay, well, then, how can Obama settle that score? 'Cause there are a bunch of states, I think 12 of them so far who've said, we're not gonna implement this piece of garbage. Rick Scott of Florida, the most recent one, said we're not gonna implement it.

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