Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rush regarding Prince Charles

It is rather scary to think of what environmentalists are doing to the USA.

Don't get me wrong - I'd much rather see wild animals in wild spaces than a slum where people won't accomplish anything in their lives (or people in large rich houses who are also wastes of space because they hall all this money and opportunities and shoot it all up their noses, etc.)

But when you think of how much more expensive energy is going to be because of the EPA - while at the same time India and China continue to build coal plant after coal plant - I'm like, what the heck??

Our coal power plants are clean and we need them!

Prince Charles, you talk about wasted space on the planet.  Man, oh, man, this guy was in London last night during the Inclusive Capitalism Initiative conference on inclusive capitalism.  The Inclusive Capitalism Initiative conference on inclusive capitalism, and he proceeded to rip capitalism to shreds, as he understands it.  And in the process, what Prince Charles did is confirm something I've been saying for 25 years, that modern environmentalism became the modern home of anti-capitalists and communists when the Soviet Union fell.  It was one of my updated 35 Truths of Life.  Prince Charles comes along and veritably admits this.  


The primary purpose of capitalism should surely be to serve the wider, long-term interests and concerns of humanity rather than the other way around.  So critically, it would require the incorporation of environmental externalities.  We would have to account properly for carbon dioxide emissions, the use of water and fertilizer, the pollution we produce, and the biodiversity we lose.  All of these would have to be comprehensively considered in our economic and national decision making because inclusive capitalism cannot be truly inclusive if our dependence on natural capital, the economic invisibility of nature is not also included in our calculation.
RUSH:  Well, I know it's a bunch of gobbledygook.  Do you want me to try to explain this to you, or is it stand alone entertaining by itself?  (interruption)  It is.  He obviously thinks that he knows more than anybody else, smarter than anybody in the room, and he's making absolutely no sense.
The bottom line is he really doesn't know what he's talking about.  He's trying to dress up just total, unabridged socialism and make it sound like it's erudite, intellectual, very exclusive, very elite. (imitating Prince Charles) "Be allowed to talk about such things in polite company, otherwise might not be bright enough, smart enough to even understand what we're talking about."  Which in truth means you are so smart, there's no way you could figure out what he's talking about because not even he knows.
"The primary purpose of capitalism should surely be to serve the wider, long-term interests and concerns of humanity, rather than the other way around."  What other way around?  That's the first thing that struck me.  "The primary purpose of capitalism should surely --" I'm sure you would agree with me when I -- no, do not say that.  "The primary purpose of capitalism should surely --"  What, surely?  "-- be to serve the wider long-term interests and concerns of humanity rather than the other way around."  What is the other way around?  Let's see if we can find it in this sentence.  The primary purpose of long-term interests and concerns of humanity should surely be capitalism?  No, he doesn't mean that.  That's what he's arguing against.  But that is the other way around.
"The primary purpose of capitalism should surely be to serve the wider long-term interests --" Oh, you mean rather than the shorter?  The shorter-term interests or concerns is the other way around?  All right.  "So critically it would require the incorporation of environmental externalities."  See, at that point you're supposed to be so dazzled by what he's talking about, you hopelessly can't understand it, but you are gonna think the guy knows what he's talking about.

and finally
The royal family -- which happens to be the biggest welfare case in the UK, by the way.  The royal family is the biggest welfare case in the UK.  Of course he's going to like socialism.  All monarchs do.  It's how they survive.  But now Prince Charles is out there attacking capitalism as the root of all evil in the world,

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