Friday, March 18, 2011

Feel free to drill in the Gulf Coast, Petrobas - we'll pay you to do so!

Why is Obama helping countries other than ours - countries like Brazil - drill in the Gulf? That'd be fine and dandy if the US could drill there to, but there's a little thing called a moratorium...
Story #2: Brazilian Company Profits from Obama Moratorium

RUSH: Speaking of oil and moratoriums: "The U.S. Interior Department said on Thursday it gave final approval for Petrobras," the Mexican oil company, "to use the first ever deepwater floating production storage facility in the Gulf of Mexico. The facility will be used when the company begins oil and natural gas production at its Chinook-Cascade project in the near future, the department said. Petrobras is based in Brazil." So a Brazilian company that is already profiting from Obama's illegal drilling moratorium, we can't drill here, but they are drilling in the Gulf, and they have found a huge deposit of oil. A Brazilian company is gonna profit some more from their work in the Gulf.

Petrobras has enjoyed a very cozy relationship with Obama because Soros is a big investor of Petrobras and supporter of Obama. The US is reported to be backing loans to Petrobras for more offshore drilling. Remember that story? We're backing something like $10 billion in loans for Brazil to continue to drill. Folks, this is why the questions are raised. If he hates oil and if it's not the energy of the future, why is he helping Brazil and other nations, Mexico and the ChiComs, why is he helping them, lending them money and not stopping them on any environmental regulation, why is he not stopping any of these other countries from drilling and stopping us? This question is what's leading to the answers that people come up with, maybe he's got chip on his shoulder about this country.

What could possibly be the reason for bending over backwards or forwards or whatever to let every other nation in our region go get as much oil as they can and put moratoriums on domestic companies and domestic production? Now, this is storage for oil. Obama has allowed storage to use the first ever deepwater floating production storage facility. This guy doesn't like offshore platforms, but this is the first of its kind, a deepwater floating production storage facility, Obama has said, fine, Petrobras, go ahead and do it if there's no risk to the environment if they leak, this is what the regime is saying. Apparently Brazilian drilled oil is good for the environment, I guess. Unlike oil drilled by companies the US might profit from. I guess Brazilian oil is fine. It doesn't hurt if it leaks. It's all very curious. As I say, it's what leads people to question the motives and the intentions of this president.

One of the things about Petrobras that I want to make clear ('cause it's a little bit confusing): The regime, the Obama administration has given permission to Petrobras to have a floating underwater storage facility in the Gulf of Mexico that will hold 80,000 barrels of oil and 16 million cubic feet of gas. A floating underwater storage facility. No worries about leakage. No problem. We have to shut down our Gulf drilling because of a fire on board a rig. But we okay a floating underwater storage facility. Well, since it's a Brazilian company which has gotten heavy investments from George Soros, apparently there are no possible risks to the environment here. It just seems like all the obstacles that this administration seeks to place in people's way happen to be in the way of the United States.

One does wonder where the environmentalists are on this one!
In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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