Monday, September 27, 2010

Semantics: Obama is not lowering taxes

Here's what Rush had to say about it today.
Barack Imam Hoover Obama and his accomplices in the Democrat Party have this bizarre impression that millions of America's small businesses can absorb a tax hit, a tax increase just like the country can "absorb" another 9/11 terrorist attack. No big deal. Life goes on. Obama said it: "We can absorb it." Yeah, I might be able to physically be able to absorb a head-on collision, but it's not a gamble I want to take, especially if I just recovered from one a few months ago. Higher taxes, terrorist attacks are to be avoided at all costs last time I checked. Especially now. The people are going to have to start asking themselves -- and you wonder. I go back to Victor Davis Hanson's piece last week in National Review, the peasant culture, peasant society, where we now seem obsessed with sameness and equality.

Happiness is reached when other people are punished. But people are going to have to start asking themselves, "What good does it do you if the person who employs you has money taken away from the business by the government?" How's that gonna help you? How is it gonna help you get a raise? How is money being taken away from your company gonna help you? The money being taken away is not being invested in the growth of the company. It's shrinking the company! You start raising taxes on people over $250,000 a year and you are raising taxes on a slew of small businesses. Some of you should also ask yourselves -- I know you people understand it. But they ought to ask themselves if they've ever worked for an employer who himself made less than $200,000 a year in his business.

What is the upside? What is upside to having the government confiscate money from the place you work? It's no different than if it was held up and robbed. They still don't have the money. If they don't have the money, they can't invest, they can't hire anybody else and they certainly can't pay anybody any more. The issue is jobs, and that's what everybody is focusing on. The issue is jobs. How does the government confiscating more revenue from your employer help you? How does the government taking money out of your company, your employer's pocket, your business, how does that help that company hire anybody else or give anybody that works there a raise? How does it happen? Where is the goodness in this? Where is the decency?

Where's the stimulus? Where is the stimulus? Oh, it's so important that $700 billion -- and that's a made up number because it's a static number. It's so important that $700 billion be given to the government to help with the deficit. Yes, paying for the deficit ought to fall on the backs of the people who hire others in this country. And it isn't gonna make the deficit go down. That $700 billion is throwing a penny in Lake Michigan and hoping it ripples all the way up to Canada. It isn't going to happen. But what does it all play off? It plays off of class envy. It plays off of resentment. You know, I say I might be able to physically absorb a head-on collision but I wouldn't want to take the gamble. It's going to be interesting to see how Democrats feel after they absorb a head-on collision with voters in about 40 days. 'Cause I'm hoping in that head-on collision the Democrats are totaled and that they don't walk away from it. I mean in a political sense, of course.

RUSH: All right. Ninety-eight percent of the American people get a tax cut. That's right out of the stimulus talking points. You know what it was? That was like 95% of the American people got a check for 250 bucks, and it was called stimulus. That it's not a tax cut. There haven't been any tax cuts., July 27, 2010: "The Tax Hike Nobody's Talking About -- Get ready for a smaller paycheck. At least that's what could happen if Congress doesn't approve President Obama's proposal to extend the Making Work Pay tax credit soon." This is a $7-a-week tax credit, $7 a week. That's the wonderful middle-class tax cut Obama's been bragging about over the last year and a half. Seven bucks! It's a tax "credit." There haven't been any income tax rate reductions. It's all a smoke screen.

You know, I've been thinking about something else, and this last call from the woman that went to Rutgers -- I'm gonna put it out there for you to think about. Now, we've been hearing that the recession ended in June last year, which is what, 15 months ago. Now, you and I believe that it hasn't ended. We have a bunch of guys from Harvard who tell us that it ended, all right? For the fun of it, there might be some advantage to going along with this idea that the recession ended 15 months ago. Because if we admit that the recession ended 15 months ago, then there goes out the window Obama's "I inherited a mess" argument, does it not? Okay, if the recession ended 15 months ago, then that's it. We've come back. Whatever garbage Bush put us in, that's over. 'Cause the recession's over. We've stopped this.

So you can't any longer say, "I inherited this mess" 'cause the mess is his. Anything since the recession is his mess. And we know that unemployment's gone up since last June. We know that more people have lost their jobs, there's no increased economic activity. Ah, it's just little semantic play on words. But it does, as does most of what I do here, brilliantly illustrate the point.


RUSH: John, Orlando, Florida, it's great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, mega dittos.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Yeah, I was calling because I think you might be wrong. That crazy lady who just called before the top of the hour break --

RUSH: Ah, ah, ah! She's misguided. She's simply a parrot. You know, she's reading the talking points that the regime has put out with the stimulus nonsense.

CALLER: Now, hold on, Rush. She has a point because if 98% of us Americans have had income reduced by 50 to 30%, our taxes have gone down.

RUSH: Uhhhhh. Well, yeah, if your income goes into the toilet, yeah, you're not paying as much taxes. Is that what you're saying?

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: If your income goes to the toilet...

CALLER: Uh huh.

RUSH: So your taxes have gone down, yeah, because you're paying taxes on less income.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: Right. Well, I mean, yeah, that's inarguable. You could say we've had a tax cut but we've had to get poorer in the process. We've lost cash flow. We've lost the value of our house, we can't find a job, but yeah, damn, we had a tax cut. Whoop-de-doo.

Rush is right and I would comment on this, but I'm too tired from my long drive. Apologies to my readers! [I'm moving from VA to WY, and driving my elderly and not-too-healthy mother. So it's not going to be a fun trip.]

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