Wednesday, March 14, 2012

About the Rush Limbaugh Report

Seem's like Rush's gaffe about Sarah Fluke has not only brought him new listeners, but me new subscribers. (Oh, I always get a couple of new subscribers a day, but now I'm getting tens of new subscribers a day.) So I thought I'd better give a bit of background about this blog - though I think I do explain it pretty clearly on the subscription page.

This blog is about me, and my feelings on the politics of the day. But I take as my "launching point" the things Rush talks about on his program - and I either agree or disagree with what he has to say.

I'm an atheist, feminist woman, so there are many points on which I disagree with Rush. On the other hand, I agree with him when it comes to American exceptionalism, "Rugged individualism", and standing on your own two feet and solving your own problems. I believe that the US should be a melting pot of all colors, and that our guiding light should be that in the US, we have the potential to be the best we can be, under the Republican system of government.

Welfare and the entitlement mentality is killing this country. (Wa-ell, I think the main thing killing this country is mass media (commercials, sitcoms and certain movies) and its subliminal effect on how we act. The "dumbing down and coarsening of America" can be laid completely at their door!)

So is what seems to be our inexeroble march to Government Globalization - which would be fine if it were US government and philosophies that were being globalized. Instead,we are being subsumed by European socialism. And considering what's happening in Europe, that is demonstrably not a good thing.

That's why I include on a daily basis the Schedules for the President and the Vice President (admittedly, the VP rarely has much of a schedule) and the Secretary of State (SoS) and her staff. If you read these schedules, particularly of the SoS's staff, you can see that Globalism and world government coming inexerably closer and closer, and our politicians are participating in it willingly.

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