Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stick Figure vs Just Right vs Overweight

While I agree with much of what Rush says, sometimes he does seem to be reaching, as in today, his criticism of Obama by calling him a stick figure. It's interesting, of course, Rush, who is not the sveltest of men, has tried to turn the tables on the skinny by being derogatory of their looks, calling them "stick-figures" or in Julian Assange's case, a "waif" when in actual fact their body weight is in perfect proportion to their height.

But Rush had to get in a dig about Michelle Obama's plan to put all US kids on a diet (which she does plan to do, by the way, I'm not saying she isn't!) and commented on Obama's looks, and he looks fine. Not anorexic, just very fit. Probably all those cigarettes he smokes!

Story #4: Skinny Obama Seen Sucking Slurpees on Vacation

RUSH: This was one of the first such vacations ever where I literally did nothing. I was staying in Hawaii. I'm 20 minutes away from Obama. He was there again. He's just around the corner from where I was. There are some pictures of Obama out there that I would not want of me in flip-flops and a T-shirt and some baggy shorts. I mean the guy looks like a stick figure, and he's sucking on a Slurpee. And that's what he said Republicans do. What do they call it in Hawaii, shaved ice? It's a snow cone. And now they're running stories that the guy is getting even thinner and thinner and thinner as though he's skipping meals.

Have you forgotten who his wife is? His wife doesn't let him eat. I think he's slurping on Slurpees. Wife's hell-bent on this guy not eating. Now we even have some Republicans talking about the brilliance of Michelle's food policy. When is the need to pander to these people gonna end? Why pander to Michelle Obama, curry favor with people?

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